Sneak Preview - Season 8!

Sneak Preview of Touched by an Angel's 8th Season!
(Courtesy of

The wonderful Moderator of the Official Touched by an AngelDiscussion Board recently posted these pictures for the viewing pleasure of all TBAA fans! A big thank you to Mr. Moderator, and everyone who works so hard to bring us this fantastic show!!

The first 5 episodes filmed for the 8th Season now have titles! Mr. Moderator posted this on the TBAA Discussion Board September 4:

"Including what we've shot at the end [of last] season, we've produced 5 episodes so far for the new season:

Ep. 801 "The Sacred Scroll"
Ep. 802 "46 Minutes"

Ep. 803 "The Perfect Game" (yes, we already had a show with that title - now we have two )
Ep. 804 "Manhunt"
Ep. 805 "Holy Of Holies"

Episode 805 will be our season premiere on September 22nd. We wrapped shooting on that episode on August 31st. We will be producing at least 22 new episodes for season 8.

TBAA Moderator II"

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