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Touched by an Angel's fourth angel

Season 8

Welcome back, Touched by an Angel!

Yes, it's true! Our favorite show in the whole entire world has been renewed for an 8th Season! Congratulations, TBAA - we love you guys!!

Touched by an Angel has moved! In the fall, TBAA will launch into its 8th season in the 8:00 Saturday night time slot. Hopefully, this will make it possible for those who attend a church meeting (or otherwise) on Sunday nights to enjoy Touched by an Angeltoo. Let's support TBAA big time this next season, fans - tell everyone you know what a fantastic show is going to be happening on Saturday nights!


Articles/schedules regarding the 8th season:

CBS 2001-2002 Fall Schedule

Bertinelli gets 'Touched'

'An Angel' Touches Down Saturdays

God OK's AngelCasting

CBS is still 'Touched'